LIcensed - Insured - Free Estimates


1. What do I need to do in preparation for this service?

We ask that you clear your lawn of any toys, furniture or other items on scheduled days, unlock any gates/access points, and keep your pets inside.

2. What if it rains?

Moisture certainly helps the turf and any fertilizer that was applied. If your property was treated for weeds, please wait 10-14 days. If you see no twisting or curling of the weed, give Canopy a call and we’ll treat again.

3. My lawn does not look the way I want it to. What should I do?

Just call or go online and order a service call. We are always glad to come out and resolve any problem with your lawn.

4. When is the best time to seed?

Early fall is the very best time to seed your lawn. Spring can also be a good time to seed if you are able to make sure the tender, newly germinated seed is adequately watered during the extremely harsh conditions that exist during the summer.

5. Do I need to core aerate my lawn?

Core aeration is one of the best things that can be done for your lawn. Our lawns are mostly clay based and are very tight and compacted. Core aeration removes soil cores and reduces compaction and thatch. This also allows for better air, water, and nutrient flow. When removing the soil core, grass roots can then spread out. The healthier the root is, the healthier the plant.

6. Why is weed control important for my lawn?

Weeds compete with grass for space, water, nutrients, and light. They can be very aggressive and take over a lawn quickly if not kept in check. Proper mowing, watering, and fertilization help control weeds more than anything; a thick lawn has a better chance to choke out weeds. Unfortunately, there are no preventative broadleaf weed products on the market, so we have to stay on them as they come up throughout the season (spring and fall).

7. How should I water?

Watering should be done in the mornings. Deep but infrequent watering encourages roots to penetrate deeper into the soil. Watering in the evening encourages pathogenic fungus disease so try not to let the grass blades have water on them after dark. Water for one to two hours at a time when you do water.